Arne Thomsen

Arne Thomsen

Arne Thomsen

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-PHYS

ETH Zürich

Professur für Physik

HIT J 33.3

Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

I am a PhD student in Prof. Alexandre Refregier’s Cosmology Research Group and an active member of the Dark Energy Surveycall_made. The focus of my research lies at the intersection of physical cosmology and machine learning.

More specifically, I am working on simulation based inference and how the expressive power of deep learning can be leveraged in that context to extract more information from cosmological observations than traditional analysis methods permit. This overarching theme connects projects involving various data modalities, including images on the celestial sphere and point clouds, as well as different cosmological probes such as weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering.

My work covers the whole inference pipeline end-to-end, from processing the large numerical simulation suites serving as the theory predictions to deriving posterior constraints on the parameters. For that latter step and more broadly, I am interested in employing generative models, such as normalizing flows, in Bayesian statistics - for example, to learn conditional probability distributions from samples.

Furthermore, to be able to run all of the above, I am continously working on the computational aspects of deep learning at scale on the high performance computing clusters at CSCScall_made and NERSCcall_made.


- 2021: Master of Science in Physics, ETH Zurich, with distinction

- 2021: Visiting Master's student, IBM Research Zurich

- 2019: Bachelor of Science in Physics, ETH Zurich

- 2018: Exchange semester, National University of Singapore


- FS24: Statistical Methods and Analysis Techniques in Experimental Physics

- HS23: Physics II for Earth-, Environmental, Agricultural and Food-scientists

- FS23: Physics for Mechanical Engineers

- HS22: Physics I for Mechanical Engineers

Co-advising of students:

- FS24: Aadi Tepper, Master's Thesis

- HS23: Aadi Tepper, Semester Project

- FS23: David Linder, Semester Project

- HS22: Gaspard Aymerich, Master's Thesis

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