Alexander Reeves

Alexander Reeves

Alexander Reeves

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-PHYS

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Teilchen- und Astrophysik

HIT J 32.4

Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Research area


I am generally interested in multi-probe analyses which can help to break degeneracies, improve robustness to systematics, and enable a consistent exploration of the cosmological model. I am currently working towards building a consistent framework to analyze cosmological data from several surveys (see The pipeline involves the use of UFalcon- a package that produces correlated map-level realizations of different cosmological probes given an input N-body lightcone which can be interfaced with the cosmogrid ( 


I am also interested in extensions beyond the LCDM model that aim to resolve some of the outstanding tensions in the standard model. In my Master's thesis, (under the supervision of Dr. Sunny Vagnozzi and Dr. Blake Sherwin and in collaboration with Laura Herold and Dr. Elisa Ferreira), I analysed an Early Dark Energy (EDE) model. The goal was to determine whether massive neutrinos could help in reducing the excess clustering that is typically associated with these models (see for more details).