

With upcoming surveys set to drastically increase the both the amount of large-scale structure (LSS) data and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data it is increasingly important to create correlated map-level simulations of different cosmological probes. This enables several applications that are relevant to current cosmological research:

  • Covariance matrix estimation 
  • Map-level analysis 
  • Testing impacts of systematics and foreground cleaning

For this reason we created UFalcon (Ultra Fast Lightcone): a tool for rapidly post-processing N-body code output into signal maps for many different cosmological probes. This code was originally configured to output weak lensing convergence maps from N-body lightcones and first introduced in (external page Sgier et al. 2019, external page Sgier et al. 2020) and extended in (external page Reeves et al. 2023). The most recent version, UFalconv2, is able to produce maps of weak-lensing convergence, linear-bias galaxy overdenisty, cosmic micowave background (CMB) lensing convergence and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe temperature perturbation given a set of N-body lightcones. The output of the code for the above signals has been tested against analytical theoretical predictions to a high degree of accuracy in Reeves et al. 2023 (external page https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.03258). The package offers a high flexibility for the lightcone construction, such as user-specific survey- redshift ranges, redshift distributions and single-source redshifts.

The pipeline is primarily designed to post-​process output of the dark-​matter only N-​Body simulation code PKDGRAV3 (external page Potter et al. 2016), but is in general able to use output of different N-​Body codes (e.g. the approximate N-​Body codes L-​PICOLA (external page Howlett et al. 2015) and Pinocchio (external page Monaco et al. 2002). In particular, the code can be interfaced with the cosmogrid (external page Kacprzak et el. 2022) available here (external page cosmogrid website) a large suite of PKDGRAV3 simulations at 2500 different cosmologies stored as lightcone output.

Code Release and Documentation

The latest public release is available on external page PyPI and can be easily installed using pip. The software source code is available as well as extensive documentation. Future code releases will be linked on this page. For further information please contact areeves@phys.ethz.ch.


A first implementation of the UFalcon pipeline is presented in external page Sgier et al. 2019, external page Sgier et al. 2020 and extended in external page Reeves et al. 2023.

In external page Reeves et. al 2023, the codebase underwent a major update to enable the post-procesing over several different cosmological probes from N-body code lightcones. The implementation is described in the paper along with several validation tests.  

Enlarged view: ufal_theory
A comparison of the 2pt functions measured from the average of 200 UFalcon-​derived maps at the fiducial cosmology of the cosmogrid with theoretical predictions from a theory code. The blue shaded area corresponds to the 1-​sigma error (see Reeves et al. 2023 for further details.)
Enlarged view: covmat_lss
A correlation matrix produced using 2000 quasi-​independent UFalcon-​derived cosmological signal maps. The input simulations are the fiducial simulations of the cosmogrid (see Reeves et al. 2023 for further details).


The usage section in the software documentation contains an example notebook which describes how to produce maps of weak lensing convergence, galaxy clustering, CMB lensing convergence and the ISW temperature perturbation given an input N-body code lightcone.