Cosmology Research Group at the Scientifica 2023
On 2 and 3 September up to 30,000 visitors sought answers to the question: what holds the world together?

The Cosmology Research Group led by Prof. Alexandre Refregier shed light on the study of our universe, especially of dark matter and dark energy, and provided the youngest visitors to the stand with a practical introduction to space exploration: children learned how to build rockets out of folded paper. And what if you wished to take a picture with a large mass coming between you and the camera? Visitors could find out about gravitational lensing while taking funny souvenir photos. What it means to work as a cosmologist, how to simulate our universe to understand it better, and how a radio telescope works were also among the topics discussed at the stand in a playful and creative atmosphere.
D-PHYS at Scientifica 2023
external page Impressionen der Scientifica 2023