Cosmology Research Group News
Measuring cosmic distances to understand the expanding universe

The group of Professor Alexandre Refregier uses the data collected by ambitious surveys to work out the nature of dark matter, dark energy and our expanding universe.
Laura Reymond joins the Cosmology Research Group as a new PhD Student

Please join us in welcoming Laura Reymond as a new PhD student in the Cosmology Research Group.
The DESC Collaboration Meeting

The DESC Collaboration Meeting was held at ETH Zurich from the 8th to the 12th of July, 2024.
New Members of the Cosmology Research Group

In the last years, the Cosmology Research Group has welcomed new members. Please join us in welcoming them!
Second Edition of the LMU-ETH Workshop

The 2nd edition of the joint LMU-ETH workshop was held at ETH Zurich from the 11th to the 13th of September.
Cosmology Research Group at the Scientifica 2023

On 2 and 3 September up to 30,000 visitors sought answers to the question: what holds the world together?
Cosmological simulation suite CosmoGridV1

CosmoGridV1 is a large lightcone simulation set for map-level, simulation-based cosmological inference with probes of large scale structure. It is designed for practical parameter measurement with Stage-III survey data and Machine Learning inference. It contains 2500 unique cosmological models spanning different combinations of 6 cosmological parameters and is publicly available at
Sara Aliqolizadehsafari the Cosmology Research Group as a new data scientist

Please join us in welcoming Sara Aliqolizadehsafari as a new data scientist in the Cosmology Research Group.
Virginia Ajani joins the Cosmology Research Group as a new Postdoc

Please join us in welcoming Virginia Ajani as a new Postdoc in the Cosmology Research Group.
Silvan Fischbacher joins the Cosmology Research Group as a new PhD Student

Please join us in welcoming Silvan Fischbacher as a new PhD Student in the Cosmology Research Group.