Second Edition of the LMU-ETH Workshop

The 2nd edition of the joint LMU-ETH workshop was held at ETH Zurich from the 11th to the 13th of September.

After a successful first edition held at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2023, the second LMU-ETH workshop brought together researchers from both institutions to further strengthen this collaboration. The meeting originated from an idea of external page Dr. Luca Tortorelli, external page Prof. Daniel Gruen and Prof. Alexandre Refregier as a way to bridge the science conducted by the external page Astrophysics, Cosmology and Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) group at LMU and the Cosmology group at ETH. Both groups are at the forefront of modern research in cosmology and share a variety of overlapping scientific interests, ranging from large scale structure cosmology to the forward-modelling of galaxy surveys and the cosmological parameters inference via machine learning methods.

The meeting was designed to have the right balance of structure: on one hand, it allowed the two groups to update each other on their scientific progress through brief talks, while on the other hand, it provided the necessary freedom to foster scientific discussions in smaller, topical groups. The first edition served as a means for the two groups to get to know one other and the science conducted by each group member. This second edition aimed at establishing concrete plans for scientific collaboration.

The success of the meeting warrants a further edition, to be held at LMU in 2025, by which time some of the topics discussed at this meeting will have been developed into joint scientific publications.

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